The Landian Chronicles Wiki

Human male, born LY 885, in Plist. Apothecary in the Plist branch of LandOrder.

His name is properly pronounced 'lā·vûr, though it is sometimes mispronounced as either 'lä·vûr or 'lă·vûr.

Laver's family were involved in the Protestant Movement, and died in 903, fighting in the war known as the Coming of the Order. Laver himself had no involvement in the war, having left home to become an explorer in 902, at the age of 17. He had studied under a master apothecary in his home village since the age of 12, and when he had learned all he could, he wanted to travel the world and experiment with any sort of plants or other natural ingredients he might find, which weren't available in the area around Plist. When the First Census was taken in 905, he was in First Village, and though he claimed Plist as his permanent residence, he had a better chance of his choice of surname still being available than if he'd been home at the time. He chose "Drugfix" for obvious reasons.

In 907, he returned to Plist, having satisfied his curiosity about the areas around and between many of the villages on First Land, the East Isles, Jump Isle, and Near Land, though it is unknown which and exactly how many villages he visited. Finding insufficient call for legitimate work, given the number of apothecaries already practicing in the village, he had little choice but to join a gang, and chose LandOrder, for reasons which are unknown. In the years since then, he has sometimes taken a leave to travel again, whether to places he'd been before or places which were new to him.

At some point in his travels, he discovered a plant which he named serenity, the whereabouts of which remain unknown to anyone but him. An extract of the plant's flower can be used as a flavoring, though few people besides Laver have ever tasted it. It is more widely known as one of the ingredients in a new psychoactive drug Laver developed called Happiness, which first came on the market in 912. It is exclusively distributed by LandOrder.
